Forward Motion

Our talent matching platform efficiently connects skilled individuals in the blockchain industry with exciting job opportunities. Employers can post openings and find qualified candidates, while job seekers can create profiles and apply for their dream jobs. With a focus on supporting local talent and providing access to a community of professionals and resources, our platform is the ideal choice for career growth within the S21 Community.

Funding &
Our funding and investment section offers startups diverse funding opportunities, expert guidance, and valuable resources to enhance their fundraising efforts. We connect startups with grants, equity investments, and financing options, while our experienced team assists in refining business plans, creating compelling pitch decks, and identifying potential investors. With educational content and industry insights, we empower startups to succeed in fundraising.

In our Business Consultancy, we offer a comprehensive range of services to assist businesses in navigating the opportunities and challenges presented by Web3 technologies. We provide tailored consulting services and technical support to facilitate the seamless integration of Web3 technologies into existing business infrastructure. Our team of skilled developers specializes in building and deploying decentralized applications, smart contracts, and other Web3 solutions to meet businesses' specific needs.